from Sandy Needham

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Denver/Boulder/São Paulo Dispatch


My oldest sister, Janet, buried a second husband, Rex, a little more than a year ago. She sold the house and moved into a condominium nearby in a suburb of Denver. I decided many months ago to visit her new place over my holidays in the US; I wanted to support her in her newly-widowed phase of life. In the interim, the following situation developed:

Rex had a close friend, Jerry, with whom he had a golf and lunch schedule every Tuesday. Jerry was good to check-in on Janet after Rex died even though he was single-handedly caring for his wife, who had been suffering from poor health for two years. She died last April. I'll let Janet's own words explain: 

"Shortly after, [Jerry and I] started having lunch on Tuesdays, as had been the pattern when he and Rex played golf and had lunch.  Then it became Tuesdays and Fridays.  And then, as (sister) Donna so nicely put it, Tuesday into Wednesday.  I am still chuckling over that comment!"

Fast-forward to my arrival in Denver last January, and Janet was soon to return to Phoenix - where Jerry spends winter. She already spent time there in early December to assist him after shoulder surgery. Coincidentally, her daughter lives in the same suburb of Phoenix! Janet is now planning to move out of her "new" condominium in May and share Jerry's Denver home, his mountain cabin and his Phoenix home. Marriage is planned for this summer!!

Janet & Jerry
Janet went from saying she was never getting involved again after burying two husbands and a lover, to saying: "I feel like I am about 19 and having a wonderful time!"

I couldn't be happier for her.

Janet's big, comfortable condo makes a lovely home and a convenient one: it is in the middle of a shopping center. She was very helpful driving me around for my end-of-US-trip errands, though many items were solved by simply walking out the door to Home Depot, to Chico's fashions, etc.. Not to mention the great bar and restaurant selection steps away, as well as a movie multiplex where we caught the disastrous "Sisters." (We expect more of you, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.) 

One of my favorite features of Janet's condo life is the open invitation from a local restaurant owner for residents of the condo to show up on Tuesday evenings for Happy Hour. He offers gratis whatever hors d'oeuvres he conjures from experiments and leftover delicacies in the kitchen. I enjoyed the event very much, rarely having the opportunity to sit around gabbing with Americans or people over 60! We tried the clams - too chewy, but the caesar salad and caprese were delicious. What a deal!

I was disappointed that Janet's granddaughter, Lainey, could not join us for dinner while I was there because she had a cold. She is a hair stylist/colorist extraordinaire, and responsible for Janet's jaunty purple streak! 

I was lucky to see Janet's devoted grandson Derek, a cadet in his third year at the US Air Force Academy, who was en route back to school from the holidays. Derek is a long-distance bicycling devotee and a member of the Air Force team. He is interested in many topics and made an excellent lunch conversationalist! So nice for me to have another of my rare encounters with my grandnephew.


Air Force Team
Newton returned to Brazil to have extra time with his family in São Paulo during these days. Unfortunately, the new iMac computer he had to buy to replace the previous corroded one in Natal had to be special-ordered and could only be shipped to Janet's address to guarantee timely delivery. It had to be without a base to fit into a order to be spirited past Customs agents in Brazil. I brought the carry-on we purchased for the previous iMac smuggle and was tasked with rolling the thing to São Paulo myself. 

This meant that when Janet and I rode the light rail to Union Station in downtown Denver to have lunch with my best friend, Lenna, we schlepped my big suitcase, the rolling iMac and my huge, packed purse all the way there. I would be taking the bus to Boulder with Lenna for my last night before going home.

The Union Station was recently restored, and the project was a great success.

There are many interesting bars and restaurants inside. 

Lenna, Janet and I had an unforgettable lunch at the Kitchen Next Door Community Pub. The topic was death, and it was inspiring, sometimes emotional, and absolutely fascinating. Janet is a Hospice volunteer, which renders her extra knowledgeable about end-of-life issues, as is Lenna, who served on the board of her mother's retirement community for some time. Besides, we have all suffered loss.

By mid-afternoon I was settled in "my" bedroom at Lenna and Jon's beautiful, peaceful Boulder home, complete with picture window looking out on the snow-covered Rockies. My timing was perfect for Lenna and Jon's weekly 'date night,' so I had the always gratifying privilege of dining with just about the best company to be had in this world! I've been best friends with Lenna since 1962; I met Jon in 1967; they are two remarkable, brilliant human beings and a celebrated couple. The evening included a private performance of their piano recital duet, an engaging arrangement of "Silent Night" on Lenna's mother's restored and immaculately refinished 1927 Steinway.

Lenna & Jon
I love these photos of Lenna and Jon watching their daughter getting married last September and enjoying their adorable grandson.
Lenna, Jon and grandson
Breakfast with Jon led to further discussion of death! As Lenna's replacement on the board of the retirement community, Jon recently attended a conference on death in Boston. Intriguing!

After Lenna joined us, the topic of their own eventual retirements came up. To stay and garden and tend their pea-patch?...or to relocate nearer their children and grandchild in Boston and Hartford, Connecticut? Or some of both? I loved having a conversation about retirement with people my own age!

This will be Lenna's last and 26th year as the illustrious CEO of a non-profit community transportation organization. Lamentably, recent months have been bedeviled by a disturbed woman who was declined service after making a scene and scaring fellow riders. The woman also happens to be unrelentingly astute at challenging this expulsion, so Lenna's days have been distracted by harassing emails and soul-numbing, bureaucratic legal inquiries. Damn. Let's hope this is soon over

Lenna performed her piano recital solo for me, a piece so ambitious that she continues to master it: Keith Jarrett's haunting arrangement of Gershwin's "I Loves You Porgy." I am still haunted, recalling those heartrending chords on the Steinway.

Lenna and I wrestled my luggage into the car trunk and she drove me to the convenient airport bus station. In a move that felt absolutely familiar to me, Lenna repeated her steps from the previous day when she caught the bus from there to Union Station, except the airport bus leaves from the opposite side. We schlepped the luggage across the highway overpass unnecessarily, then realized the error and schlepped it back again, near where we parked. I was comforted to know I'm not the only person who would easily take this misstep. What was more unusual for me was that there was still plenty of time to retrace and catch the airport bus! 

Further schlepping ensued once all the bus passengers were dropped at the same airport terminal stop: downstairs outside the baggage carousels. Now I was on my own with my travel load, pulling the suitcase, the computer roller carry-on and the large bursting purse to the check-in area. It was up the escalator and about a city block further to the right...except I couldn't actually check-in there as an international traveler, I discovered after being rejected by both the kiosk and the agent. Back I went about half a city block to "Special Services" (who knew?), where I was serenely grateful to dump the big suitcase! I only had to maneuver the carry-on into the overhead bin on the two ensuing flights with the handle now refusing to retract. Thank heaven for strong young men!

About fifteen hours later I arrived in São Paulo, where Newton was deemed officially in charge of rolling the iMac after I (breezily) hauled it past customs! 
Mayra and Mariana

My one night in town was well-spent at the incredibly delicious and healthy dinner my nieces, Mariana - an enthusiastic gourmet cook, and Mayra - the accomplished gourmet assistant, made for us: whole baked fish with caper/cilantro sauce, greek yogurt with cucumber, this gorgeous salad and, ahem: Lindt dark chocolate mousse! After so much travel I may have been confused, but I thought I was in heaven! Thanks so much, minhas sobrinhas!

We were home at last the next day.

Janet on Broncos' play-off day
I must add these photos of Janet, celebrating the Denver Broncos' play-off victory by enjoying Rex's favorite beer, along with his granddaughter, at his gravesite (which he shares with his first wife) - the sort of ritual at which my sister excels; and of Lenna taking a rare selfie with the Denver Broncos' famous Peyton Manning in the background on Super Bowl Sunday ...because (1) I opened the dispatch with Rex in his Broncos shirt and, (2) despite not being a football fan, I do congratulate all my Colorado friends and relatives on the Super Bowl win!

Lenna on Super Bowl Sunday


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Chicago Dispatch

It's winter; there's ice and snow on the ground; it's windy, the frigid air is damp and penetrating; it's New Year's Eve; it's New Year's Day; IT'S MARY AND FREDDIE'S WEDDING!!!

My grandniece, Mary, is a versatile professional dancer in Chicago with Invertigo Dance Theater and Chicago Dance Crash. She also teaches ballet and studies physics at DePaul University. Fred is a professional stage and film actor in Chicago. When he wanted his close buddy to meet his new girlfriend, Mary...Mary walked in and discovered her old high school buddy from Interlochen performing arts boarding school in Michigan. Tiny world. The mutual buddy became the very entertaining officiator at Mary and Fred's Fantastic Wedding.

I went to college in Chicago, so I had four years of winters right along the beach of Lake Michigan. I managed to appear at 8:00am history classes and 11:00pm astronomy labs somehow. Clearly, nine years on a beach in Brazil have reduced my winter wherewithal.

Our AirBnb was in the Wicker Park neighborhood of Chicago's near north side. We clutched the wrought iron outside our door to traverse an ice patch, then maneuvered our way over snow banks between parked cars to reach the Ubers we used to go almost everywhere. Newton and I braved the streets for the two blocks to the drug store to buy provisions, but getting stuck at a red light on a windy corner was grim! 

Here is where I give you a quick reference regarding the wedding relatives, before this dispatch is too confusing:

Bill & Dorothy
My Sister Dorothy and husband Bill: Grandparents of the bride; live in Durango, Colorado. 
        (They were near the end of a 8,000-mile road trip in their tiny two-seater Porsche!)

Brad & Tracy
Their son, Brad and wife Tracy: Parents of the bride; live in Durango, Colorado

Their children:
         Emily: Sister of the bride, married to Chad; live in San Diego
         Mary: Bride; now married to Freddie; live in Chicago
         Nick: Brother of the bride, girlfriend Letticia; live in Colorado Springs
         Bradley: Brother of the bride, girlfriend Laken; live in Durango
Todd: Uncle of the bride, married with two teenage sons (they couldn't come); lives in Manhattan, NY 
April: Aunt of the bride, married to Marty; live in Woodland Hills, California   
         Ryan: age 11
         Addie: age 10

Emily & Mary
Jake, my parents' youngest grandchild, is just three months older than my parents' first great-grandchild, Emily. Soon followed Mary, then later Nick and Bradley. My nephew Brad and I raised our kids together! The first cousins-once-removed are great friends.

Bradley, Elise, Nick, Chad, Emily, Jake, Mary, Larissa
Larry & Donna
While Elise, Jake and Larissa hung out with the once-removed crowd at Mary and Freddie's in Logan Square, Newton and I caught up with my sisters and brothers-in-law: Dorothy and Bill, plus Donna and Larry from Frederick, Maryland. Larry was just a month away from joining Donna in retirement! We were only missing our oldest sister Janet from Denver. 

They were all sharing an AirBnb house with the sister of the groom, her husband and their two little boys, ages five and one. The boys were beyond tired after the family's arduous drive from St. Louis, which included a turn-around after two hours on the road because the bridesmaid dress had been left behind!

The scene was pretty funny, really. There was the usual raucous card game and chitchat around a long oval table, but we needed to whisper so the embattled couple could finally get their boys to sleep. You got that right: Dorothy, Donna and I were supposed to talk (and laugh) in whispers! Dorothy, Larry and I all have a little trouble hearing, so that made its own hilarity. AHHhhhhh, but we were together at last.

With Don Lucas
Our first morning - New Year's Eve day - Newton and I were picked up for brunch by Don and Maxanna Lucas of Cincinnati. Don was my boyfriend in eighth grade, whom I last saw in 1964 in Tulsa. I had never met Maxanna, though we all have been fast internet friends for a few years. She is friends since high school with my best friend, Lenna, at a different school from mine where Maxanna and Don were high school sweethearts. They ended up married after attending their 25th high school reunion, with seven children between them! Don is a semi-retired microbiologist, botanist, photographer, sou chef, professional grandpa, etc.. Maxanna is a retired nurse, pianist, chef, seamstress and professional grandma, etc.. The two of them travel frequently, visiting their numerous grandchildren, including the newest one in Chicago. I follow the blogs they write for travel and cooking, while they are devoted readers of my dispatches, as well. Bowls of hash, reminiscing, book-talk, comparing notes...what a brunch!
Maxanna & Don in their wonderful kitchen
On New Year's Eve, most everyone in town for the wedding met for a Mexican dinner.
Donna, Mary, Emily, me

Elise, Emily, Chad, friend, Jake & Larissa
Newton and I celebrated midnight with Dorothy and Bill, Donna and Larry, my niece, April and family, and my nephew Todd. A whole new version of poker ruled the night, with a most able dealer, Ryan. Champagne was popped, and we didn't have to whisper! Our kids celebrated with their cousins and friends.

I love weddings; I love my own family, my sisters, my brothers-in-law, my nephews, my nieces, my grandnieces and grandnephews. I was in paradise. Brad and Tracy's extraordinary family really knows how to create playful-yet-poignant weddings!

Chicago's stately Stan Mansion was the perfect venue for such an elegant couple as Fred and Mary. An opening aria sung by one of their many talented friends already had me in tears by way of it's sheer beauty. Then eleven bridesmaids, bridesmen, groomsmaids and groomsmen, plus the little ring bearer dressed as an astronaut made their way to the stage in front. The very comic officiator, that mutual buddy of Mary and Freddie's, quoted the Beatles in an appropriately serious oration: "Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra, la-la how the life goes on."

And speaking of the astronaut ring bearer: we all remember Todd as the reluctant ring bearer at Donna and Larry's wedding in 1968. He refused to put on the little formal suit and tie because he had understood that he would be the "Ring Bear," wearing a bear suit. He hid under the baby bed in the church nursery where the groomsmen were dressing. Here's the new part of the story I heard from Brad for the first time at Mary's wedding: After much coaxing by his father, Bill, Todd would still not come out. Desperate, Bill turned to Todd's older brother, five-year-old Brad and asked, "What do you think we should do?" Todd bore the rings in suit and tie.

Mary and Freddie had tables with activities set up along the periphery of the stately room. One could write a wedding haiku (Todd, children's author, partnered up with my grandniece Addie to win that one); one could guess the bride's weight; draw the groom; define a made-up word; write a piece of advice for now, one year from now and ten years from now. There was a table with wedding photos of many of the participants, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents - spectacular! A funny photo booth with props added even more laughs.

Here is Mary's handsome brother Bradley with the lovely Laken. He works at Brad's day job/recreational vehicle business:

Here is Mary's handsome brother Nick with the formidable Letticia. He is a wrestler training at the Olympic training center in Colorado Springs; Leticia is a blind swimmer training there for the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Her incredible dog, Philly, accompanies her everywhere!

Brad had us all in tears with his funny and moving toast. Here's a five-minute peek at how to honor your child on her/his wedding day:

I was still a bit weepy (some of us get especially emotional when together, remembering my parents - one of the founts, among others, from which sprang these amazing people). I went to the ladies room, only to bump into my grandniece Emily, who did not hold back on the waterworks at all. I don't know how long it has been since I really sobbed and sobbed, but clutching each other, we wept unabashedly with joy and grief. Thank you, Emily, for not letting me shut down our cathartic crying ritual prematurely.

Freddie's parents gave creative, theatrical toasts. His mother's Fellini-esque performance will live on as a best wedding memory. We see what's in his genes!

How stunning is this wedding couple?

Mary wore her grandmother Scanlon's 1950's wedding dress, in which her mother Tracy and her sister Emily were also wed. Mary evoked for me the elegance of early Avedon and "Madame X" by John Singer Sargent, which comparison was apparently already made by one of her photographers!



Tracy & Emily 
Dorothy, Donna and I
Brad, April & Todd
Here are Brad, April and Todd: a percussionist/composer, a horsewoman with her own near-Olympic status, and a children's author.

I can't resist a plug for Todd's latest two books: 

Ryan, April, Addie, Marty
Here is April's amazing family: Marty is a film and television set builder, and both Ryan and Addie are ice hockey players, piano players and musical theater actor/singers!

There was plenty of great dancing going on, what with the professionals in attendance. A tap solo was featured, along with exuberant talent funking up the dance floor all evening. I wouldn't discount the enthusiasm of our own crew!
Elise & Newton
What a thrilling wedding.

Mary and Freddie requested no gifts, but I could not deny myself the fun of making them this 'Modpodge' tray, what with all these great photos of Mary and Freddie dancing and acting!

There was an elaborate brunch the following morning, hosted by Freddie's parents. It was somewhat subdued with party-spent participants, but it gave us the opportunity to enjoy book-talk with Nick, Letticia explaining how blind athletes play soccer in the Paralympics (the soccer ball has bells in it, and additional methods of controlling the ball are permitted), to further savor this whole beloved group and bid fond farewells.

Dorothy and Bill were finally heading to Durango after more than three months on the road! They added in Wichita and eliminated St. Louis to avoid a snowy mountain pass in the Rockies on their last leg home.

Our gang still had another night in Chicago before flying off our separate ways. I had envisioned a visit to the Chicago Art Institute or maybe the Robie House (Frank Lloyd Wright), but we were beat, Elise and Jake were sick, and the cold weather sealed the deal. At least Jake and Larissa had previously managed a subway trip to visit the Anish Kapoor public sculpture, Cloud Gate, affectionately called "The Bean"...the sightseeing sum total. 

We ordered in Italian food and, with a couple of bottles of CVS Pharmacy's best red wine offerings, had our one sit-down dinner together in our charming AirBnb. I cherished our last evening together.

Next day, I was off to Denver to visit my sister Janet; Newton was off to São Paulo to visit his family; Elise returned to Los Angeles; and Jake and Larissa returned to Las Vegas, soon heading to the Bahamas.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Las Vegas '15 Dispatch

Jake drove us home from the airport in his Tesla, so my first impressions this trip to Las Vegas, after passing all those slot machines in the airport again, were revisiting those incredibly graceful lines!

I appreciated the beauty, silence and smoothness of the Tesla throughout our week's stay. Jake gave us a demonstration of the new "driverless" feature...what a weird sensation! We've all been reading the fascinating blog, waitbutwhy, with Elon Musk's story. Besides Tesla Motors, he played his significant part in creating PayPal, Solar City and SpaceX and potentially, the Hyperloop! 

Newton was always willing to run errands in Las Vegas so he could drive this amazing car. Here is a sunset he caught returning from one of his outings:

Larissa and Jake had the house all clean and decorated with a perfect Christmas tree awaiting lights and ornaments.

Here is Newton marching the lights around the tree for ideal distribution!

This glowing TV hearth even had crackling sounds...with subtitles!
After food shopping (including Trader Joes!!), we were ready to pull off our typical Christmas Eve buffet, complete with champagne, pesto/red pepper spread goat cheese, smoked salmon, cheeses we would never find in Natal, Larissa's delectable deviled eggs, plus Jake's addition this year: cups formed of parmesan filled with caramelized onions and feta cheese! You can see that a portion of our gang is vegetarian.

We like to dress-up for Christmas Eve
Christmas morning is our traditional gift-opening bonanza. We started off and ended with plenty of humor provided by our hosts!

We have had a sort of frat-boy tradition in the family where someone unwittingly gets "iced." That is, the person happens upon a strategically placed bottle of Smirnoff Ice and must then chug it on one knee (I am exempted because I would throw up if I had to drink that sweet stuff). We have added a funny addendum to the silliness since we all hate panettone - that Italian/South American holiday craze that is the equivalent of fruit cake in the tends to be re-gifted until rotting!

Well, Elise opened the first gift - from Jake and Larissa - which looked like a panettone, except inside was a Smirnoff Ice!

After quite an elaborate array of gifts had been opened, Newton opened his last gift - from Larissa and Jake - a high-tech earphone box...except the box held the actual panettone! THAT is called "getting 'toned."

Good going, you two! There were so many fantastic gifts received. Elise gave us countless gifts, including that FitBit watch with which Newton has been monitoring his daily steps, exercise, and sleep.

We had our traditional Christmas dinner: Trader Joe's stuffed turkey breast and cranberry sauce for Newton and me, and a double recipe of my Mother's macaroni and cheese recipe - my one culinary legacy - to insure non-combative breakfasts for the next couple of days.

Jake and Larissa offered three group presents: a mystery gift that we would only discover the next afternoon; dinner at the fanciest French restaurant in Las Vegas, for two days later; and "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" at the VIP theater three days later.

One afternoon we all played one of Jake's five new board games he received for Christmas, as he and Larissa are game maniacs! Elise and the two of them seemed to jump right in more easily than Newton and I, who played "Dead of Winter," about zombies, in a flummoxed state:

Elise had found a rare old favorite game from a collector to give Jake: "Keys to the Kingdom." Too bad we sold our old one at a yard sale years ago. The three of them remastered that game in no time.

The day after Christmas we were to show up at 1:15 at this location on the Las Vegas Strip for the mystery ???????????. 

Soon, quite a strange young woman happened along with a theatrical hat, and our group of nine gathered around for this shot and some information:

Supposedly a huge casino heist had taken place the day before and it was up to us to follow clues and sleuth our way to revealing the culprits. Our first stop provided free drinks and the first clue. That led us to a professional mime in a bitter cold and windy spot who enacted wordless clues. The group had to pay the guy at the cigar store $5 to receive further cryptic instructions, then I recommended Jake as a whiz at deciphering anything. He led the nine of us up two flights of external stairs at the seedy Travelodge Motel. One of our group yelled at a maid cleaning a room en route to the top, where we wondered if we should knock on some numbered door??? It was then that we noticed the 'up' arrows in the clue were actually horizontal arrows on a billboard that led around the corner, so back down we clamored with a traumatized maid in our wake.

We landed in a restaurant for lunch and further clues from these shady characters:

Eventually, after up and down and about the strip and a quite hilarious comedian, we were sent to the Hard Rock Café for another free drink and to discover the Elvis Impersonator who would divulge, by way of a skit, the conclusion to our sleuthing.

The event is called "Alibi," and it apparently employs professional actors who probably outnumber the available theatrical jobs in Vegas. It was a fun afternoon!

                              Late afternoon on the Strip:

We then went to the atmospheric, multi-storied Chandelier Bar at the Cosmopolitan:

Jake and Larissa's instructions on our fancy French dinner invitation said, "No lunch or drinking prior." So we dressed to the nines and arrived hungry and thirsty at Joël Robuchon's in the MGM Grand.

It is a quiet and elegant cocoon amidst the commotion of the casino. After champagne, we ordered the prohibitively expensive tasting menu: eight courses, all with multiple small dishes.

Get ready:
Caviar on king crab
Red cabbage gazpacho; carpaccio of foie gras with black truffles; Maine lobster in daikon
Frog leg fritter; parsley coulis; my favorite!
Flan of sea urchin; langoustine ravioli; lobster with pumpkin/black truffle coulis;
Grilled lobster w/baby spinach; pan-fried sea bass w/ stewed leeks; seared foie gras, sweet& sour grapes & 5 spices
Beef chop on grape vine shoots; bone marrow, chanterelle fricassee; vigneron sauce
Creamy hibiscus emulsion; violet cream, sorbet & blueberry compote; jasmine tea chantilly w/pineapple & lemon confit 
After chocolate (not pictured), coffee and this delicacy cart
Add in fine French red and white wines and...VOILÁ!

The women were presented with gift bags at the end...sweet irony: containing panettone. We got 'toned!!

The dinner seems like a blissful dream now - we were not overly stuffed, but dazed and happy! Thank you so much, Jake and Larissa, for this life-long memory. We're so glad you had a good poker year, Jake!

Of course we went home and finished the evening off in our jammies with cards and Trader Joe's quite good $4.50 Sangiovese!

We didn't have a lot of shopping time, but I was desperate to replace my winter coat as it was cold in Vegas and would be freezing at our next stop in Chicago. Alas, the few stores I managed to check had only one or two coats left in sizes 2xx and 3xx. Here I am on the strip in two sweaters, clutching my scarf to my neck:

Note Elise's new Star Wars sweater, bought expressly for this event! We all had a grand time watching "The Force Awakens" in our comfy seats. 

We returned to the same theater a couple of days later to see "The Big Short," such an excellent Oscar contender.

The marathon effort to get Newton his Christmas light jacket finally ended. We ordered the Tommy Bahama jacket online in size small since the wrong item had been delivered in LA. It arrived in time and fit! We just needed to find a Tommy Bahama store in Vegas to return that mistaken item. On the last night we tracked a store down, then checked several stores around it for my winter coat replacement. Bingo!...a cheap coat that isn't too heavy to schlep on planes, but decent for winter in Chicago, then Colorado, till I find the right one. Whew.

Since we were all taking off the next morning for my grand-niece's wedding in Chicago, we needed to burn the exceedingly dry Christmas tree in Jake and Larissa's fire pit on the patio. We had the cheater-fire-starter and two remaining rosés from my Christmas gift from Newton: four rosés from four regions of Italy.

And for lack of alternatives, the fire pit got 'toned with one large and three small panettones.

What a bunch of fun we had over Christmas! Thanks to all my Darlings.

Chicago, here we come -


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