Newton and I rode the train from Rome due east for three hours. Our destination was the town of Sulmona in Abruzzo, nestled in the mountains 73 kilometers from the Adriatic shore. This was Newton's third attempt since 2004 to get Italian citizenship, possible by way of his great-grandfather from Sardinia. The same Brazilian-
Italian, Gelson, who orchestrated the other two attempts, was meeting us there. Citizenship had eluded Newton thus far due to Gelson's own disorganization, time simply running out previously up north in the Veneto, and then Gelson's trouble with the law (he was arrested for falsifying Brazilian soccer players' Italian heritages for EU citizenship, and the police had held all of our legitimate documents for a year. No trial yet).
The passing vista of mountains and valleys with beautiful little towns tucked here and there was gorgeous as darkness fell. Some towns featured huge old fortresses and churches. We just threw up our hands and said, "Is there any region of Italy that is not beautiful?"

The passing vista of mountains and valleys with beautiful little towns tucked here and there was gorgeous as darkness fell. Some towns featured huge old fortresses and churches. We just threw up our hands and said, "Is there any region of Italy that is not beautiful?"

Sulmona is the Roman birthplace of the famous 1st century poet, Ovid, and the capital of "confetti" since the 15th century. We assumed this meant confetti, but it refers to sugared almonds fashioned into little nosegays of flowers that look as if they are made of smooth, bright-colored plastic. The town is great for exploring, with charming piazzas and parks and beautiful walks towards the surrounding mountains. I kept buying a pistachio gelato to take along that I will never forget! I was doomed to wear 'closed' shoes here for the first time since January, so I hobbled around like a Beverly Hillbilly, developing blisters on most of my toes.

Poland next!
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